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1 Perbandingan Efektivitas Anestesi Spinal Menggunakan Bupivakain Hiperbarik dengan Bupivakain Isobarik pada Pasien yang Menjalani Prosedur Operasi Abdomen Bagian Bawah di RSUP Dr. Kariadi 2019
2 Perbandingan Gambaran Histopatologi Lambung Tikus Wistar Setelah Pemberian Deksketoprofen dan Ketorolak 2019
3 General Anesthesia Technique in Tetralogy of Fallot Patient Undergo Tooth Extraction Surgery 2019
4 Anestesi Regional pada Pasien dengan Penyakit Jantung/ Hemodinamik Tidak Stabil 2019
5 Perbandingan Penggunaan Ajuvan Klonidin dan Ajuvan Fentanyl Pada Spinal Bupivakain Isobarik 0,5 % dalam Menekan Reaksi Inflamasi Dilihat Dari Kadar Netrofil Pada Operasi Ortopedi Ekstremitas Bawah 2019
6 Deksametason Untuk Mengurangi Respon Inflamasi Pada Bedah Jantung Berdasarkan Kadar C-Reactive Protein Plasma 2019
7 Kejadian Drop Foot Setelah Anestesi Spinal 2019
8 Epidural Analgesia Kolaborasi Dokter Anestesi dan Dokter Bedah Syaraf untuk Penanganan Nyeri Pascaoperasi Tulang Belakang 2019
9 Penggunaan Calcium Channel Blocker pada Tatalaksana Anestesi Clipping Aneurisma Otak 2019
10 Cushing’s Syndrome: A Large Adenoma of Adrenal Gland 2019
11 Pengaruh Pemberian Analgetik Kombinasi Parasetamol Dan Morfin Terhadap Kadar Ureum Serum Pada Tikus Wistar Jantan 2019
12 Rasio Netrofil Limfosit dan Limfositopenia Sebagai Penanda Sepsis 2019
13 Pemilihan Anestesi Regional dan Anestesi Umum Untuk Pasien COVID-19 Sebagai Upaya Mengurangi Risiko Penularan 2020
14 Penggunaan Heparin Dosis Tinggi pada Pasien COVID-19 dengan ARDS dan Hipertensi di Unit Perawatan Intensif (ICU) 2020
15 Efek Perbedaan Ventilasi Mekanik Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) Low dan Moderate terhadap Rasio PaO2/FiO2 Pascabedah pada Kraniotomi Elektif 2020
16 Peranan Hiperventilasi terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Intrakranial dalam Kasus Bedah Saraf 2020
17 Tatakelola Ventilasi Mekanik pada Pengangkatan Tumor Metastasis Ekstradura Torakal dengan Teknik Anestesi Satu Paru dan Posisi Lateral Dekubitus 2020
18 Awake Endospine Disektomi pada Pasien Lumbar Spinal Stenosis karena Hernia Nucleus Pulposus 2020
19 The Effect Of Parasetamol And Codeine Analgesic Combination On Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetat Transaminase Levels In Male Wistar Rats 2020
20 The Effect Of Analgesic Combination Of Paracetamol And Codeine Administration To Serum Urea In Male Wistar Rats 2020
21 Clonidine is better than diphenhydramine to reduce post-sevoflurane emergence agitation and delirium in pediatric patients undergoing labioplasty 2020
22 The effects of alkaline reduced water administration to the fasting blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus 2020
23 A correlation between leptin and thyroid hormones in population with obesity 2020
24 Melatonin and polymyxin B administration, alone or in combination, prevent the elevation of random blood glucose and lactate levels in wistar rats endotoxicosis model 2020
25 An Adjuvant Treatment of Melatonin Prevented the Elevation of Leukocyte Count and the Decrease of Platelet Count in Wistar Rats Endotoxicosis Model 2020
26 Precise insertion of epidural analgesia at the end of surgery increased success rate in management of post-spine surgery pain 2020
27 Awake craniotomy procedure for near eloquent cortical area for brain tumor case series: Initial experience and the anesthetic challenges 2020
28 Manajemen Perioperatif pada Pasien COVID-19 2020
29 Perbedaan Pengaruh Sevofluran dan Propofol Terhadap Kadar IL-6 dan Jumlah Neutrofil pada Operasi Kraniotomi 2021
30 Hubungan Kadar Prokalsitonin dan Kejadian Postoperative Cognitive Disfunction (POCD) ada Pasien yang Menjalani Operasi Ganti Katup Jantung Di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Kariadi Semarang 2021
31 Manajemen Anestesi pada Pasien dengan Tumor Regio Pineal yang Menjalani Kraniotomi Pengangkatan Tumor dengan Posisi Duduk 2021
32  Manajemen Low Flow Anesthesia pada Pasien Kraniosinostosis dengan Hipertelorisme yang menjalani Four Box Wall Osteotomy, dan Eksisi Redundant Skin Fronto Nasal 2021
33 Kombinasi Dexmedetomidine – Sevoflurane 0,5 MAC pada Bedah Mikro Reseksi Malformasi Arteri-Vena 2021
34 Melatonin Can Not Significantly Reduce Blood Sugar Levels 2021
35 Pengaruh Penggunaan Sevofluran dan Isofluran terhadap Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction pada Pasien yang Menjalani Operasi Laparotomi Salpingo Ooforektomi 2021
36 Breakthrough Cancer Pain: The Current Pharmacological Management 2021
37 Melatonin Can Not Significantly Increase Platelet Count 2021
38 A lower cognitive function in patients with acute coronary syndrome with ST segment elevation compared to those without ST segment elevation 2021
39 Melatonin prevented the elevation of leukocyte count and the decreased of hematocrit levels in burn-induced wistar rats 2021
40 Melatonin prevented the increased serum lactate levels and the reduced hemoglobin levels in burn-induced wistar rats 2021
41 A lower cognitive function in patients with severe mitral regurgitation compared to those with non-severe mitral regurgitation 2021
42 An association between C-reactive protein levels and the occurrence of cognitive dysfunction after heart valve replacement 2021
43 Fatigue in advanced disease associated with palliative care: A systematic review of non-pharmacological treatments 2021
44 Faktor Komorbid yang Berpengaruh terhadap Luaran PenyakitCovid 19 di Intensive Care Unit RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang 2021
45 Comorbidities and COVID-19 status
infuence the survival rate of geriatric
patients in intensive care units: a prospective
cohort study from the Indonesian Society
of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy
46 Analysis Of Patients Satisfaction Programs Of Social Security Providers Based On Health Services Satisfaction At The Hospital Of Dr. Kariadi Semarang 2020
47 The Difference Duration between Analgesia Bupivacaine Hyperbaric Morphine and Bupivacaine Hyperbaric Epinephrine Intrathecal toward Post Surgery of Sectio Caesaria Patient in Bhayangkara Mataram Hospital 2019
48 The Effect Of Analgesics Combination Of Paracetamol And Codeine Administration To Serum Urea In Male Wistar Rats 2020
49 The Effect of Porang-Processed Rice (Amorphophallusmuelleri) on LDL and 2021